
大阪大学未来戦略機構シンポジウム「Opt Osaka 2014 in Tokyo-大阪大学の光科学100-

13:30 主催者あいさつ
大阪大学総長 未来戦略機構長 平野 俊夫
文部科学省 文部科学事務次官 山中 伸一
日本学術会議会長       大西 隆
内閣府総合科学技術会議議員  久間 和生
14:00 講演会:光科学における様々な連携研究
光量子科学における連携研究とシナジー  大阪大学光科学センター長          兒玉 了祐
ナノフォトニクスとイノベーション創出  大阪大学フォトニクスセンター長       河田 聡
レーザー科学と共同利用・共同研究拠点  大阪大学レーザーエネルギー学研究センター長 疇地 宏
15:50 ポスターセッション
大阪大学光量子科学 100研究室・グル―プ



1:30 p.m. -- Greeting from the organizer  HIRANO Toshio, President, Osaka University; Director, Institute for Academic Initiatives
Greetings from guests

  • YAMANAKA Shin-ichi, Deputy Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (scheduled)
  • ONISHI Takashi, President, The Science Council of Japan
  • KYUMA Kazuo, member, Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office

2:00 p.m. -- Lectures: Collaborative Research in Optical Science

  • "Collaborative Research and Synergy Effect in Photon Science," KODAMA Ryousuke, Director, Photon Pioneers Center in Osaka University, Osaka University
  • "Nanophotonics and Creating Innovation," KAWATA Satoshi, Director, Photonics Center, Osaka University
  • "Laser Science and the Center for Joint Use and Joint Research," AZECHI Hiroshi, Director, Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University

3:50 p.m. -- Poster session, Photon Science-related 100 labs and groups at Osaka University
5:45 p.m. -- After-symposium Party -- A fee of 4,000 yen will be collected from persons attending.

Photon Science 100 at Osaka University, a leaflet introducing photon science-related activities by more than 100 labs and groups at Osaka University will be distributed to participants.

フォトニクスセンター長・河田 聡教授の基調講演も行われ、「ナノフォトニクスとイノベーション創出」について話をされました。

「学者は異端妄説を語るべし(福沢諭吉 明治8年)」、ということを語られました。



河田センター長 基調講演の様子

Prof. Kawata, executive director of Photonics Center had the keynote speech in which he referred to  "Nanophotonics and Creating Innovation". First, He introduced the history of Osaka University. Secondly, based on innovation created by university, he talked that innovation meant creating new things by breaking old ones and referred to the saying of Yukichi Fukuzawa that scholars should think different things from the normal and also should advocate their ideas.

Then he introduced some of innovative research and development at the Photonics Center, e. g.,

superresolution optical microscopes that enable us to "see"objects at higher resolution than 200nm, which have overturned the common sense that light cannot make the structures whose size is smaller  than ~ wave-length visible due to its diffraction limit, development of nano-processing from conventional two dimensional/planar ones to three dimensions, realizng  "real color" hologram, light bulb whose energy efficiency is higher than LED, technique for crystalizing protein by laser at much higher quality, yeilds and speed which could not be attainable by conventional methods, and so on.

More than 500 people attended the symposium and in addition to the lectures, we also had the poster session of "100 laboratories of Photon Science at Osaka University ".  Attendees seemed to have active exchanges of their opinions through its session.

We are planning to hold next Osaka University Institute for Academic Initiatives Symposium in Osaka.

