METI's Light Eco-life Project
Under the framework of this subsidized project, the Photonics Center Building has been constructed in order to conduct joint R&D for practical application / industrialization of photonics-based eco-life technology. Tapping into its advanced technology in the fields of photonics, Osaka University teams up with private businesses to conduct work on fusion projects in such areas as health/environmental analysis, healthcare, environment, and energy. The Center will perform its photonics-based eco-life demonstrative research using the intelligent LED illumination system installed throughout the building.
Photonics-based eco-life target technologies
■ Photon measurement/imaging technology (key to bio-information and environmental analysis) / The world’s first nano optical microscope, 3D molecular imaging technology (Nano Molecular Imaging Technology
Succeeded in developing the world’s first nano molecular imaging). ■ Development of plastic recycling robots that make use of laser sensing technology (collaborated with IDEC)(Six different kinds of plastics, including polyethylene and polypropylene, are sorted by laser for ease of recycling).
Human resources development
■ Osaka University and private businesses join together to develop superior doctors for the future. (“Industry on Campus” concept)
Future plans
■ Through cooperation with national/public research institutions and local governments, joint research with private businesses will be accelerated by leveraging connections formed during previous projects and a special district will be established within the university by gathering together businesses and research laboratories. ■ A core function in “Photonics Hills”
Expected outcomes/impact
■ Create a photonics-based eco-life industry estimated to be \1,400 billion market (as of 2015) |
光エコライフ技術開発拠点(経済産業省) since 2009
大阪大学の光科学分野の先端技術を活用し、企業が参加して、健康・環境分析機器分野、ヘルスケア分野、環境、エネルギー分野等の融合課題に取り組む、光エコライフ技術※下図参照)の実用化産業化共同研究開発拠点施設(Industry on Campus)を整備。平成21年度「先端イノベーション拠点整備事業」(正式名称:産業技術研究開発施設整備費補助金)に応募し、外部有識者による評価を踏まえ、経済産業省の審査の結果、採択されました。
生体情報や環境分析のための基盤となるフォトン計測・イメージング技術/世界で初めてナノ光学顕微鏡、3次元分子イメージング技術• レーザセンシング技術を用いたプラスチックリサイクルロボット開発(IDECの委託事業「平成21年度低炭素社会に向けた技術発掘・社会システム実証モデル事業」)• 光エコライフ産業の創出により1兆4千億円を創出(2015年時点)
• 協力企業研究者を含めた共同研究の実施による研究者養成• 大阪大学と企業で、高度博士人材のキャリアパスを構築
• 産総研・地方自治体と連携し各種事業を契機とした企業共同研究の加速、企業・研究所等の集積による大学内特区構築
• フォトニクスヒルズの中核機能予定
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