フォトニクス先端融合研究拠点 Photonics Advanced Research Center
フォトニクス先端融合研究拠点 Photonics Advanced Research Center
What is PARC in Osaka?
In 2007, among the competition, Osaka University was awarded and granted by the Ministry of Education (MEXT) of Japan to run a program for the realization of innovation centers of advanced technologies fusion with special coordination of regional Industry and university. There are other 8 programs bunting now in Japan. The program continues till 2016. Osaka's proposal was the promotion of Photonics, in particular Nanophotonics and Plasmonics, with five partner companies from industry. The program is called Photonics Advanced Research Center (PARC) program lead by the President of University, who appointed Professor Satoshi Kawata as the Executive Director of the Center. Through the intensive promotion and activities, the center becomes one of three major programs of Photonics Center of University.
Ten-year plan of PARC
Human Resources Development
PhD program for industries, Double degree program,OSA/SPIE student chapters, CV of PhD students and postdocs, e-learning Photonics Course※, Photonics Colloqia, Handai photonics days, PARC symposiums, Company partnership and exchange program.
Our interaction with partner companies
Interpenetration between university andindustry partners is the key to industrial innovation.Multifaceted project frameworks through winning combinations,between the university and various partners from different sectors.
PARCはPhotonics Advanced Research Centerの略称。大阪大学のフォトニクス研究の拠点です。2007年に文部科学省・平成19年度科学技術振興調整費・先端融合領域イノベーション創出拠点の形成プログラム「フォトニクス先端融合研究拠点」として、始まりました。提案書によれば、先端的な融合領域において、産学官の協働によ り、フォトニクス技術のイノベーションの創出と、科学技術と産業を創出する研究者・技術者の育成を図りつつ、将来的な実用化を見据えた基礎的段階からの研究開発を行う拠点を形成することを目的とする、と書いてあります。3年のフィージビリティの期間を越えて、2010から本格始動をしています。
学内には協働機関に 開放する研究スペースを配置、物理的な融合空間を創造するとともに、教員や学生を協働機関へ一定期間派遣する、相互浸透型の協働システムです。