We held 7th Kid's Photonics School Super HIKARIJUKU on 30th October.
This was the 7th of Kid's Photonics School Super HIKARIJUKU. And we received 327 applications, which is octuple of the quota. 40 children was selected by lot and joined the lectures about light.
Participants was given four lectures : A spectroscope made from the box of famous sweets, Big light with marbles, Pinhole camera made from milk carton, display which children can learn light by touch, and showing of 3D printer.
Pupils, who experienced the mystery of light related our usual lives, answered "every lecture was so interesting", "it was so fun because he was taught gently" in questionnaire.
Benefactors of children also said "the lectures were more full-fledged than he had expected",
We are so delightful that we could hear satisfaction labels of participants are totally high.
We also had honor to welcome Mr. Keiji Goto, the Mayor of Suita city, and he
greeted with a pleasant subject related light.
We would like to appreciate all of participants, Mr. Goto, and boards education of Suita city, Toyonaka city, Mihoh city.
We held 50th colloquium on 3rd October
We welcomed Professor Shinsuke Yamanaka, who is the Executive Vice President of Global Engagement, and Professor Prabhat Verma, who is the chairman od Photonics Center international committee.
Prof. Yamanaka gave a lecture about International strategy of Handai, and introduced the current situation sprinkled with concrete figure. And he also talk about the vision how Handai would proceed in the future.
Professor Verma introduced the international activities at Photonics Center like foreign students and researchers admission, international symposia and conferences held at home and abroad.
Some of participants said it was a precious opportunity to know information about International Strategy of Handai , and was also good to hear concrete activities.
We would like to appreciate for the two of special guest speakers and participants.
Professor Wolfgang Fritzsche visited Photonics Center on 16 September 2016.
Prof. Wolfgang Fritzsche, Department Head of Nanobiophotonics at Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology eV, payed a visit to PARC on the 16th of September, 2016. Prof. Fritzsche has been exploring innovative developments of plasmonics and bio life science technology including Raman microscopy with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution and diverse capability for information collection of bio science. He visited Prof. Tamiya's laboratory and PARC, and discussed the views on prospective research exchange with Prof. Inouye, Executive Director of PARC, and Prof. Iwasaki, Program Coordinator of PARC.
Currently, Prof. Wolfgang Fritzsche is a short-term visiting researcher of JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) working at the Laboratory of Prof Shuichi Hashimoto, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokushima University. ![]() ![]() |
Dr. Dieter W. Pohl visited Photonics Center.
Dr. Dieter W. Pohl devised Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy (SNOM) with localized evanescent waves at IBM Zurich Laboratories, Switzerland in 1982, and demonstrated a super resolution image via visible light for the first time in the world. A small aperture which size was much smaller than wavelength of light, was made at the sharpened tip of dielectric material (quartz) with metal coating and non-radiation light (near-field light) generated at the aperture was used as a light spot. [D. W. Pohl, APL 1984; "Optical near-field scanning microscope," European Patent 0112401 (December 27, 1982); U.S. Patent, 4,604,520 (December 20, 1983)] ![]() Photo:Dr. Dieter W. Pohl having a talk with Prof. Satoshi Kawata, Ex-Executive Director of PARC, and Prof. Yasushi Inouye, Executive Director of PARC. Dr. Dieter W. Pohl and Prof. Satoshi Kawata gave the keynote lectures at NFO-14 on the following respectively. Dieter W. Pohl Realized and Un-realized Visions in NFO, Plasmonics and Optical Antennas
Satoshi Kawata
Tip-enhanced Raman Microscopy: Near Field Optics for Molecular Imaging in Nano
We held 49th colloquium on 1st August.
We had honor to welcome Dr. Yasuo Hasegawa, Director-General, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and Mr. Satoshi Fujita , Ph. D, Group Leader of Biomedical Research Institute, AIST.
Dr. Hasegawa gave a lecture about what AIST actually research and accomplish. He talked about not only research activity but also activities of academic-industrial alliance.
Mr. Fujita gave a speech about cell function and cellular imaging as his research activities, and the topic of cell chip and cell manipulation attracted the audience's interest.
Some of participants said "he could understand AIST research activities", "he was very interested in topic of organ on chip" in questionnaires.
We would like to appreciate for the participants.
We held TLT (Tuesday Lunch Time) on July 12th. Tuesday, 2016.
![]() ![]() ![]() We held TMT (Tuesday Morning Tea) regularly on Tuesday morning, in order to provide opportunities for professors, company researchers and students to interact and share the research information. As a special version of TMT, we held a lunch time gathering “TLT (Tuesday Lunch Time”) on July 12th with complimentary sandwiches, doughnut and coffee. Nearly total of 40 participants enjoyed conversation and sharing the information in a relaxed atmosphere. |
We held the 48th colloquium on 6th June.
Mr. Kometani gave a lecture about Super Engineering Plastic "Ueno LCP" with passing the samples of the product. Participants could understand what Ueno Fine Chemical Industry, Ltd. produce by ear and eye.
Professor Yamauchi spoke about their laboratory's research activity which was titled "Formation of Micro Beam by Synchrotron Radiation X-ray". Especially the speech about high-precision processing technology attracted the interest of participants from member companies.
Some of participants said "he could understand LCP", "he found the excellence of the research" in questionnaires.
We would like to appreciate for the participants.
We had a visit from the Tsuyama High School (Super Science High School designated by JST)
On March 29th, we had a visit of about 50 students from the Tsunami High School of Okayama prefecture ("Super Science High School" designated by JST).
Professor Takahara gave a general explanation of Photonics Center and introduced various activities and research contents. Then, a laboratory tour followed to show the 3-D Printer, Optical laboratory, Clean Room and Electronic Beam Exposure Equipment and Bio-Photonics Room.
Gathering around 3-D Printer, Students picked up those samples with curiosity.
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We held 47th colloquium on 4th April
We had honor to welcome Prof. Yasushi Yagi, and gave a lecture themed "Constitution of the Datability frontier institution", which is Handai's New strategy on Research Activities. After the lecture, we had panel discussion with Prof. Yagi, Prof. Yasuo Kanematsu, the Innovation Director, Office for University-Industry Collaboration, Osaka University, Prof Eiichi Tamiya, Vice Director of Photonics Center, and Mr. Junichiro Nakayama, Unit General Manager, Advanced Technology Research Laboratories, SHARP Corporation.
The questionnaire says, though he had a lack of understanding "Datability", he came to know as much about it. Another says he is expecting much toward Photonics Center's way to involve the new strategy.
We would like to appreciate for the participants.
Student staffs of the 6th Kid's Photonics School "Super HIKARI JUKU" ( Nov. 23rd, 2015 ) were officially commended.
They were awarded a prize because of not only quality of the lecture but also outreach activity.
The commendation ceremony was held on March 24th, 2016 and General manager and assistants of GM participated as a representative for student staffs. Professor Tanaka, Dean of the Graduated School of Engineering, honored them for their achievements.