Photonics Center Osaka University


  • METI Light Eco-life Project
  • JSPS Asian Nanophotonics Program




  • Graduate School of Engineering Osaka University
  • Satoshi Kawata
  • OSA/SPIE student chapter
  • SPRC Stanford Photonics Center
  • University of Southampton ORC
  • Max Planck Institute Erlangen
  • CAS Tech Inst Phys & Chem, Beijing
  • ITRC, Taiwan
  • →more
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Osaka University has been one of key photonics research centers in the world for a century, with many of its faculties and schools conducting research and education from basic to applied levels and thereby producing numerous talented engineers. 

From 2001 to 2006, its Graduate School of Engineering pursued a program, “Frontier Research Center,” as one of Super COE programs supported by the Government of Japan, with five focused projects including nanotechnology and photonics.

Under the framework of this program, aggressive efforts were made to establish photonics as an academic discipline and interconnect it with other disciplines. It was in the spirit of such endeavors that in 2005 "Nano Photonics Initiative" was formed as an independent multidisciplinary research institution, gathering together researchers of electrical engineering and applied physics. This initiative has since committed itself to the advancement of nanophotonics research, creation of new industries, and human resources development through a variety of initiatives, which include the startup of three venture businesses under the lead of the university, sponsorship of three rounds of the “International Nanophotonics Symposium Handai” convention, e-learning courses for working adults, and publication of books series, "Handai Nanophotonics: Vol. 1, 2, 3," from Elsevier.

Originally a virtual organization within Osaka University, the Photonics Center is carrying on the mission of this Nano-Photonics Initiative, providing opportunities for researchers in this broad-based discipline to engage in education, research, and information sharing. 

With the completion of the Photonics Center Building in 2011, the Center has further consolidated its foundations. With the participation of over 20 laboratories from many different graduate schools and majors courses, as well as numerous businesses, the Photonics Center is currently promoting three projects. The details of these projects are as follows.

Subpages (1): Chronological Table